 FalCon QuickView/ImageControl




Time of issue:2021-05-27 08:39:25

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Shanghai Vehicle Test System Ltd. 

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 FalCon QuickView/ImageControl

FalCon etra ImagerControl.
The Scalable Tool to perform Tests
Control and Readout of all modern High-Speed Video Digital Cameras.
Image Editing, Image Optimization and Distortion Correction. AVI Generation
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FalCon ImagerControl offers exactly the power you need for your test objects and crash systems. From a small test bench controlled by PC to a large system with a large number of auxiliary computers.

Readout and processing times were still tolerable, having an imager resolution of 512*384 pixels. However this takes about 6 times longer using the new high-resolution cameras.
For example, if you have needed 6 minutes per view until now, it took 1 hour using 10 cameras. The same procedure will require 6 hours using the new cameras!

We have taken measures to respond to this situation. What could be more obvious than sharing the task to several computers? Don’t worry, you don’t have to run from one screen to another. As before, you will need only one control computer. The rest takes place invisibly to you: You will just be surprised that processing could be that fast. A load balancing process comes into play, that considers the performance capacity of the auxiliary computers, the image size and the desired readout interval. And if you on the road with your laptop computer and no auxiliary computers are available, the laptop does all the work, and you don’t have to reconfigure anything.


▏FalCon etra QuickView

The perfect tool for digital High-Speed Videos:
Camera Control, Image Sequence Optimization, AVI-Creation and synchronized View together with Measured Data.

The FalCon QuickView module provides both, quick creation of image sequence files, as well as convenient viewing with the use of a sequence and measurement data viewer. It also supports Ethernet control of high-speed video cameras: set-up and identification of cameras, mode control and rapid download of picture data via Ethernet and FireWire.


Digital sequence pictures can be prepared and improved to create a 'Video for Windows' file (AVI) from them. FalCon QuickView’s batch capability makes automatic processing possible.

Different picture file formats (especially of high-speed video cameras) are supported. Pictures can be processed in terms of white balance, gamma, brightness and contrast, color matrix, sharpness and color depth. 

Titles and logos created with a graphics program as well as texts and time values can be inserted. AVI files are created (on request) uncompressed and thus without any loss in the individual images.

The files can then be compressed so that the AVI files can be played back more rapidly and also to save storage space. Since the program uses the 'Video for Windows' interface of MS Windows, all supported (and installed) compression codecs and hardware accelerators can be used.

A viewer for AVI files (Master Panel) makes it possible to watch several videos simultaneously. The replay speed and size of the picture can be changed as well. Functions for single-step, positioning, autorepeat and section playback are also available.

It is also possible to represent measurement data as time diagrams. As soon as an AVI file is played back with the aid of the Master Panel, a cursor follows the measurement values synchronously in the time diagram. When this marker is moved interactively, the AVI files are also automatically positioned to the corresponding picture.

A viewer for ISO MME measurement data is included in the current program version!



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